Category: Opinion

180712 – SDM – Imminent Danger

The volcano in Hawaii, Kilawea, has been exacerbated and possibly driven to this current massive eruption by fracking by the PUNA geothermal plant. The joint ISRAELI/US company is called ORMAT. Senator Harry “Area 51 can do whatever it wants” REID from Nevada is in their pocket and he is trouble for it. He helped them…


Greetings, So if you have been keeping up to date on the ALT. and MAIN STREAM MEDIA, President Trump has gone so far as to create a 5th ARM of the MILITARY…Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines…and now…TA DA! The US SPACE FORCE. It is now official! We have a military branch just for SPACE…which is…

180710 – Sean speaks from camp Snoopy

180630 – From Sean Morton RE: Melissa’s Defense

Dear Friends and Family, I would like to apologize for speaking out of turn in my last posts. The non-profit ComeUnity Trust Foundation, still need your support to assist me ALONE with research on my very difficult and complicated appeal. Again you can PayPal them at: However, Melissa Morton is being represented in her…

18-0629 – SDM – URGENT! 911! PLEA FOR HELP! Now or NEVER

My dearest blessed Friends and Family, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”~ George Orwell. My entire life I fought to expose the truth and this is where is has gotten me. My family in the health freedom movement, in my books, in my work…

180629 – Cats Abound

Some GOOD NEWS for a change! I told the story of how I asked the Counsellor here, Mr. Wright, if I could have a cat…mostly as a joke, and he just yelled me out of his office. Well….NOW I HAVE A CAT…in fact a magnificent SEVEN of them. So over accross this huge yard is…

2018-06-25 Strangelet Universe – Sean Calls In – Fatima Prophecy

180623 – Melissa’s Messages of thanks and support

Hello! I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support during this very difficult time. It means so much to me to have your letters and emails. My broken big toe has pretty much fully healed. It’s still a little tender now and then but basically healed. The toe nail is still very bruised…

180621 – SDM – Beware June 23rd

Dear Loved Ones, I am sorry I did not make the radio show on Monday. The HAVALINAS (Spanish for the big hairy pigs that we feed in the yard…slang for the COPS) came LITERALLY running here like they were chasing someone yelling, “DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING! INTO THE CHOW HALL! EVERYBODY OUT!” and they tossed our…

180621 – Fulford – rebirth of manchuria

2018 06 18 – Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent 18. Juni 2018 Blogadministrator Hinterlasse einen Kommentar Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and East Asia this year. The EU is likely to experience regime change due…