Month: September 2016

160926 – Fulford – Major world power struggles and changes due in October

September 26, 2016 Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree. CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton…

160912 – fulford – It is not over until we see the 911/311 perpetrators perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras

Posted by benjamin September 12, 2016 There can be no doubt the Khazarian mafia is in a desperate situation and is about to lose power, as can be seen from multiple events we will mention below. However, it is also a fact that most off the so-called “leaders” paraded before the world at last weeks’…