210514 -Ted Humphry Phone Home – Sands of Time Book IV

Ted Humphry, the amazing protagonist of the Sands of Time quadrilogy, and a creation of historical novelization by author, lecturer, and media personality who shall remain unmentioned, once again is confronted by forces of darkness and evil and urgently requests the support of friends, family and constituency. Please help us bring the release of the…

210404 new news from Sean

I was literally thrown into the street by Elizabeth V, 63, and her freak mutant alien hybrid 28 year old LOVER/WARD….something. They are both clinically insane and I am glad to be out of there…but the moving and the stress caused me to stroke out and bleed like Jesus!So INSTEAD of going to the HALF…

210212 – SDM – It’s OVER!

I am not even going to go over the headlines today because the news is not important, this is:There are a lot of people posting B.S. from “credible sources” about how Biden will be in power for 9 weeks, or how the military really is in DC to protect us, or (do I really have…

201127 – Seans Health

This is the growth on Sean’s neck. He is still not getting any medical care. This is abuse, dereliction of duty and plain inhumane. Please call 972-730-8600 (South Central Region and ask for medical) on behalf of Sean Morton #73055-112 to complain, If they ask why you didn’t call the unit, tell them that no…

201016 – New Message from Sean

MESSAGE FROM SEAN: Dear All[Many years ago ] I was on ABC LATE NIGHT talking about how JFK jr. was murdered by HILLARY CLINTON and I was of course mocked for it…1. JFK jr. was planning on running for the NY SENATE SEAT using his own $$$ and his magazine GEORGE.2. He desrcibed HRC as…

191115 – Update about Sean

Dear Friends and Family, We are concerned for the health and safety for our friend Sean Morton. No one had heard from Sean since his phone call October 11. He has been in the “SHU”, special housing unit, totally isolated, not allowed outside, only one phone call per month, no access to computers, and can’t…

191019 – Sean beaten and abused

Please spread the word FAR and WIDE. Contact anyone you know in the media!! This needs to get out there! No one had heard from Sean for a week. He was finally allowed to use the phone today. He has been in the “SHU”, special housing unit for the past week. Totally isolated, not allowed…

191009 – Sean Morton: HOW YOU CAN HELP ME!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! POST THIS FAR AND WIDE! Dear Friends and Family and Cosmic WARRIORS! Everyone has asked if there was some way to help me!! AND NOW ALL OF YOU CAN! SO PLEASE get this out to your friends and family and all over everywhere. I have a hearing for COMPASSIONATE RELEASE on NOVEMBER…

2019-09-23 – SDM – Crack In China Lake

190911 – SDM – 9-11 FUN FAX JAX-POST FAR AND WIDE!!!

Okay, 18 year anniversary of 9-11…sooooo….. “When something is totally screwed up, you can usually tell the Government is behind it!” ~Sean-David Morton~ Asst US Attorney Ted Olsen said he took a cell phone call from his wife Barbara on one of the planes. She wrote a nasty book about HRC. This is the only…