Category: Opinion

170508 – Fulford – It is time for Canadian LBO of bankrupt US Corporate government

Posted by benjamin May 8, 2017 Despite an ongoing pretense that nothing happened, it turns out the US corporate government based in Washington DC and registered in Puerto Rico really did go bankrupt last week. The bankruptcy of Puerto Rico is different from something like the bankruptcy of Detroit because Puerto Rico is a fully…

170501 – Fulford – Khazarian mafia offensive loses steam but high level intrigue continues

Posted by benjamin May 1, 2017 Humanity’s war to free itself from Satanic Khazarian mafia rule is heading towards final victory but some tough final battles lie ahead of us. The month of April saw a major offensive by the Satanists on many fronts but, despite causing much nuisance, their efforts to either start World…

170424 – fulford – We must all push to make sure the criminal US corporate government is shut down on May 1st

Posted by benjamin April 24, 2017 Although hard experience has taught me not to fixate on particular dates, multiple independent sources are all saying something huge might happen on May 1st. In the corporate propaganda media this is the day when a US government shut down will happen unless the debt ceiling is raised.…

170410 – Fulford – Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave

Posted by benjamin April 10, 2017 The Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia made a fatal miscalculation last week when they blackmailed US president Trump into becoming their slave zombie, Pentagon and other sources agree. The Satanists posted videos of opium poisoned babies being murdered by doctors and used that as an excuse for Trump to order…

170403 – Fulford – US and Japan are close to civil war as Rockefeller death leaves power vacuum

Posted by benjamin April 3, 2017 The power vacuum left by the death of David Rockefeller has created a situation that, if not diffused, will lead to civil war in the USA and Japan, CIA, Pentagon and Japanese military intelligence sources say, The situation has reached the point where US military might march on Washington…

170227 – Fulford – Battle to free humanity accelerates in US Japan Israel Korea and elsewhere

Posted by benjamin February 27, 2017 The world-wide takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with arrests, assassinations, information warfare, financial warfare and more esoteric forms of combat, according to multiple sources. There is also a flare up of activity in Antarctica. Top US and Russian generals Joseph Dunford and Valery Gerasimov met on February…

170213 – Fulford – US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait

US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait Posted by benjamin February 13, 2017 There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the…

170102 – Fulford – Khazarian mafia chickens coming home to roost in the Year of the Rooster

Posted by benjamin January 2, 2017  “As ye shall sow, so you shall reap,” has never been more true than in 2016 when the Khazarian mafia’s long list of crimes against humanity began to finally catch up with them. That year saw the removal from power and/or from this world of many top Khazarian mobsters including…

161228 – Article – Alt-Right? What’s That?

In the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s historic failure to assume the throne as Queen of the Free World, her media collaborators sought for whom to blame, as she did. Perhaps unable to present the rogue gallery she offered without embarrassment, i.e., unwilling to blame Vladimir Putin or FBI director James Comey for her failure to…

160822 – Fulford – The main factions in the battle for the planet earth and their current status

Posted by benjamin August 22, 2016 Notice to readers: Unless there are major upheavals, until August 29th, this newsletter will contain non-time sensitive, pre-written material as your correspondent will be on vacation. The ongoing battle for control of the financial system, and thus control over the process of deciding what we as a species will…