Author: Jay Pee

170123 – Fulford – Now that Trump is president the real horse trading begins

Posted by benjamin January 23, 2017  Now that the Trump regime has formally been installed, the real battle over the future of the planet earth can begin in earnest. On the one side we find the Western military industrial complex and on the other we find the ancient bloodline families. Another way of putting it is…

170116 – Fulford – Will it be World War or World Government as Trump Presidency Approaches

Posted by benjamin January 16, 2017  The big geopolitical players are making final moves as the Presidency of Donald Trump and Western revolution loom. The Western military industrial complex made one of its final big moves by positioning a large tank army in Poland. This is ostensibly aimed at Russia but is in fact a move…

170109 – Fulford – Countdown to the new age begins as final cabal underground bases subdued

Posted by benjamin January 9, 2017  The battle over the planet earth is coming to an end as the final Khazarian mafia underground bases and strongholds fall, White Dragon Society sources report. However, there is still some heavy duty last minute horse trading going on between East and West as the January 20th start of the…

170102 – Fulford – Khazarian mafia chickens coming home to roost in the Year of the Rooster

Posted by benjamin January 2, 2017  “As ye shall sow, so you shall reap,” has never been more true than in 2016 when the Khazarian mafia’s long list of crimes against humanity began to finally catch up with them. That year saw the removal from power and/or from this world of many top Khazarian mobsters including…

161228 – Article – Alt-Right? What’s That?

In the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s historic failure to assume the throne as Queen of the Free World, her media collaborators sought for whom to blame, as she did. Perhaps unable to present the rogue gallery she offered without embarrassment, i.e., unwilling to blame Vladimir Putin or FBI director James Comey for her failure to…

161226 – Fulford – Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu

Posted by benjamin December 26, 2016  Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say. The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon…

161219 – Fulford – Old reality fading quickly as pole shift now fully underway

Posted by benjamin December 19, 2016  The collective story by which humanity has been herded into the future is undergoing a pole shift, and the old reality is fading rapidly. The story by which the world, especially the Western world, has been living in was one of a never ending war on terror and an engineered…

161212 – Fulford – Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain

Posted by benjamin December 12, 2016  The Khazarian mafia is planning spectacular false flag terror operations between now and December 19th in a last minute attempt to prevent Donald Trump from being formally appointed as President of the United States, CIA sources say. However, the military forces of Russia, China and the United States are all…

161205 – Fulford – The dominoes keep falling, Hollande, Renzi, Sarkozy down, Xi, Putin, Abe and Merkel now targeted

Posted by benjamin December 5, 2016  Despite strenuous efforts by the Rothschilds and the bloodline families, the Khazarian mafia dominoes keep falling one by one. The resignations or announced resignations of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, French President Francois Hollande, European Parliament President Martin Shulz, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, and the defeat of Khazarian…

161128 – Fulford – Khazarians being flushed out of underground hideouts as US revolution continues

Posted by benjamin November 28, 2016  There can be no doubt the United States is in the throes of a revolution. As a part of this, US military sources say “44 wildfires in the Southern states of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina smoked out underground cabalists,” making it clear a real purge is ongoing. The…