Author: Jay Pee

170327 – Fulford – Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat

Posted by benjamin March 27, 2017 Last week somebody hacked into my computer so that the video at the link below started playing as soon as I turned it on. It purports to show the destruction of the Black Night Satellite that many people in US intelligence agencies like the NSA insist has been stopping…

170320 – Fulford – Rothschilds surrender US Corporation bankrupt USA Republic accepts shared human destiny

Posted by benjamin March 20, 2017 The Satan worshipping cabal suffered crushing defeats last week on all fronts multiple sources agree. The biggest news is that US President Donald Trump announced last week that the cabal owned United States Corporation founded in 1861 has been replaced with the Republic of the United States of America…

170313 – Fulford – World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns

Posted by benjamin March 13, 2017 The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this week at the Freemason underground complex near Tokyo Tower and will conclude with a final leadership selection at the Sanno Hotel on…

170306 – Fulford – Desperate counter attack by Satanic mafia failing on all fronts as human liberation nears

Posted by benjamin March 6, 2017 We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing. The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists…

170227 – Fulford – Battle to free humanity accelerates in US Japan Israel Korea and elsewhere

Posted by benjamin February 27, 2017 The world-wide takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with arrests, assassinations, information warfare, financial warfare and more esoteric forms of combat, according to multiple sources. There is also a flare up of activity in Antarctica. Top US and Russian generals Joseph Dunford and Valery Gerasimov met on February…

170220 – Fulford – A few dozen arrests might be all it takes to free humanity now

Posted by benjamin February 20, 2017  The battle to take down the Khazarian mafia is intensifying and reaching the point where the arrests of just a few dozen ring leaders may be enough to liberate humanity from this Satan worshipping scourge. Years of forensic research and testimony from multiple intelligence agency sources in Russia, Japan, China,…

170213 – Fulford – US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait

US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait Posted by benjamin February 13, 2017 There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the…

170207 – HOLLYWOOD-NAPA VALLEY FBI Investigation

Hello Folks, So Our FBI anon friend who predicted PizzaGate has allowed me to interview him with ten short questions. This is BIG. It looks like the #PizzaGate scandal is going to bring down some sick Senators, Congressmen, Wall Street bankers, Journalists and other assorted demonic creatures. I asked him some questions and I did…

170206 – Fulford – The long awaited arrests of cabailsts are supposed to start this week

Posted by benjamin February 6, 2017  Multiple sources confirm that about 70 arrest warrants will be served on power brokers and politicians in Washinton DC, Virginia and New York this week shortly after Jeff Sessions is confirmed as US Attorney General. Among those to be arrested are Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer, Richard Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton’s…

170130 – Fulford – Boys will be boys as the Year of the Cock starts and war looms on the horizon

Posted by benjamin January 30, 2017  The war drums are beating as the testosterone laden Year of the Cock (Rooster) begins and the boys get ready to show who is biggest and baddest. The biggest warnings are coming from China, which has seen many of its “red lines” crossed, at least verbally, by the macho-laden administration…